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Friday 15 February 2008

Confusion and new Blog

Yesterday i got even more confused about the blog thing. Me, Lynne and Tasha created a new blog for out group project called NoWayAnimation ( http://www.nowayanimation.blogspot.com/ ) so all the ideas refering to out group animatics will be posted there... the confusion is that i don't know what is the purpose of this personal blog since the story and ideas here wont be at all part of the project we will be marked on.

In any case, i know post some stuff here if i have the time, but i suppose i'll be focusing on the other blog more now.

I was talking to a friend, the one who helped me create this story ( the idea of it anyway) and i got everything wrong. Haru lives with his granny and the dog, Asuka is the one that moves in with his father after his mom's death. So where i put 'Asuka's bedroom' is actually Haru's bedroom... the granny lives on the top bedroom and the dad will move down. I knew there was something weird going on... >< I have such a bad memory.

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