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Monday 3 March 2008

Random Ideas

I have on my desk one of this wooden mannequins....

... and you might think they help you drawing. Well, that's totally not true! They are really stiff and the joints don't move well... actually, they don't move, it's awful! I kept looking at it, poundering on it's pointlessness then felt quite sorry for it. So i thought it would be cool to do a 3D animation of the poor wooden mannequin trying to free itself from the pole it's stuck on. Considering it can't even touch its wooden feet on it, how would it free itself?!

Then... i found this on youtube and thought they were pretty funny.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j63HPrwdGE&feature=related (this one kinda has the same theme, but the ending is a bit cruel lol )

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